For this assignment, I chose to model the Camera Bot for a Cohort 13 game, Orbos.
To create this character, I worked high to low, then baked, added normals detailing in NDO, converted those normals to an AO and added them to the baked AO, and textured in Substance Painter.
High Poly Process
Using Zbrush, I created a rough block out (blob-out) of the basic shape of the character. I then took that decimated mesh into Maya. Using quad draw and Live Surface, I drew out a low poly block out of the orange armor plates. Because these were so low poly, I was able to use smooth preview to move the vertices around and get a more-true shape to define the character. As I got closer to the final shape, I would add creases and increase the smooth level 1 or 2 times to get more refined geometry when working with smooth preview.
Low Poly Process
Using a mix of Quad Draw with Live Surface and reducing current high poly contiguous meshes, I created the base topology for the low poly character. I then welded the orange plates to the base mesh on the inside of the character, to create a more contiguous mesh overall. The wings and antennae are separate sub-meshes to allow for future animation.
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